2023: Queen’s University

Call For Papers

2023: Queen's University

October 27-28, 2023 in Kingston, Canada
Hosted by Queen's University

Call for Papers
Canadian Public Economics Group, CPEG2023
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
October 27-28, 2023

The Canadian Public Economics Group (CPEG) invites you to submit a paper for its annual meeting, which will take place on October 27 and 28, 2023. This year’s conference is jointly organised by Laurier, Queen’s and Waterloo.

Accepted papers will be presented in plenary sessions with quality discussants. We welcome papers in all areas of theoretical and empirical public economics, including public finance, political economy and policy-oriented microeconomics. A select number of graduate students will be included in the program.

To be considered for this year’s program, please submit your paper to the scientific committee. Send an extended abstract and, if available, a draft of the paper to cpeg2023submissions@gmail.com by Tuesday June 20th, 2023. If you would like to participate as a discussant, please email the scientific committee at cpeg2023submissions@gmail.com.

A decision on the acceptance of papers will be made by the scientific committee with authors being notified before the end of July.

Invited Speakers:

Tatiana HomonoffAssociate Professor Economics and Public PolicyRobert F. Wagner School of Public ServiceNew York University

Matias IaryczowerProfessor of PoliticsDirector, Research Program in Political EconomyPrinceton University

Scientific Committee:
Jean Guillaume Forand Co-Chair (Waterloo), Maria Gallego, Co-Chair (Laurier),  Adam Lavecchia (McMaster), Trevor Tombe (Calgary), and Huan Xie (Concordia)

Feel free to circulate this Call for Papers to colleagues, graduate students, and other interested parties.