2018: Glendon College, York University

Call For Papers

CPEG 2018 Conference

2-3 November 2018,
York University, Toronto, Ontario,
Glendon College
Glendon Hall, Ballroom

Call for Papers
Canadian Public Economic Group, CPEG 2019
Glendon College and York University
Toronto, Ontario
November 2-3, 2018

The Canadian Public Economic Group (CPEG) invites you to submit a paper for its annual meeting, which will take place at Glendon College, York University on 2-3 November 2018. The papers selected will all be presented in plenary sessions, with high-quality discussants. The conference typically attracts presenters and discussants from throughout North America and abroad. Papers in all areas of theoretical and empirical public economics are equally welcome, including public finance, political economy, and policy-oriented micro-economics. A select number of graduate students will be included in the program.

To be considered for this year’s program, please submit your paper to the scientific committee. Send a detailed abstract and, if available, a draft of the paper to cpeg2018submissions@gmail.com by Wednesday 15 August 2018.

This year’s scientific committee is composed of:

• Jean Guillaume Forand, University of Waterloo
• Maggie Jones, Queen’s University/University of Victoria
• Nicolas-Guillaume Martineau, Glendon College, York University (chair)
• Al Slivinski, University of Western Ontario
• Stefan Staubli, University of Calgary.

Additional information about the conference, including invited lecturers, will be available online at http://www.cpeg.ca as soon as possible. Should you have any questions about the meeting, please contact directly the chair of the organizing committee: ngmartineau@glendon.yorku.ca


The organizing committee

Freely circulate this Call for Papers to colleagues, graduate students, and other interested parties.